By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Plenty of Kenya Moore’s fans were impressed that their fave actually called NeNe Leakes a “moose” during part two of the reunion, but former RHOA star Kim Zolciak isn’t impressed at all.
In fact, Kim took to Twitter to pen Kenya a copycat because she’s actually the person who came up with the term of disrespect first.
When one of Kim’s followers alerted Kim of Kenya’s stealing, Kim wasted no time in take some jabs of her own.
She tweets (read tweets from top to bottom):
As for Kenya, she hasn’t responded to Kim as of yet. She’s been too busy trying tweeting in an attempt to shame all the hosts of “The View” into inviting her on the show so she can tell her side of the dragging she got from Porsha Williams.
Wait, did Kenya’s fans really think Kenya came up with the whole moose thing? Ok. I’m coming to the conclusion that most of Kenya’s fans are new RHOA viewers because that’s the only way I can understand them thinking she’s so original and witty. You’re going to be easily impressed by Kenya if you weren’t watching in Kim and Sheree’s heyday. Those two are the only ones who can shut down NeNe. Kenya could never.
Girl let them tell it Kenya created heaven and earth in seven days.
Kenya is just a NeNe clone. They brought her in to do like NeNe and stir the pot when NeNe was too busy with Glee and The New Normal. She wants to take NeNe’s spot so bad that she is desperate.
Kenya steals all her reads from forums, blogs and Kim. She’s not original at all. That’s why I laugh every time she says she “fights with words.” Girl please. You steal all of your comebacks. Ugh she’s so lame.
LOL! Exactly! And don’t forget to add Twitter. One of her fans even tweeted her that they emailed her some one liners for the reunion. She can’t think up her own material!
Oh and she got the scepter and bullhorn idea from Miss Lawrence! She never comes up with her own stuff.
Didn’t I just write about this yesterday on here? Kenya stole the moose thing from this racist. That’s what makes her use of it even more ridiculous. She should never claim herself to be a role model ever again when she’s a black woman on TV calling another black woman an animal. She’s the trashiest Miss USA I have ever seen.
I agree.
Read that phony copycat bish Kim!
Kenya was just on Twitter sending tweets to that fake Kim Zolciak account thanking her for supporting her with the whole Porsha thing. Black Twitter tried to tell her the real Kim does not do her at all. And Sheree doesn’t like her either. They may not like NeNe but they can peep a phony and wannabe a mile away. Kenya could not last if Sheree and Kim were on the show.
Agreed. They basically told Andy they feel Kenya ruined the show and made it fake. And I agree with them.
Damn Kim well go all the way in then. She is not here for Kenya. I love it!
Bravo is going to bring Sheree back to torture Kenya. Mark my words.
This is why I kind of want Kenya to walk away from the show at times. It’s like none of these women want her there. Not even the ones who left the show. I just wonder if all of this drama is really worth it for her. She can do so much better. She does not need RHOA.
I’m not Team Twirl at all but I agree with you. Kenya was Miss USA for crying out loud. Why did she even agree to be on this show in the first place? It’s a huge downgrade for her. I think she will regret it a few years from now.
What? Now you don’t believe anything you typed. Of course Kenya needs this show. She needs the money and the exposure it gives her. Did you even know Kenya before RHOA? Depending on your age, you didn’t because she hasn’t done much since winning the title. She’s not going anywhere.
I agree.
This is what Kenya gets for trying to kiss Kim’s butt all the time. Kim never cared for her. But leave it to pressed Kenya Moore to think everyone likes her except NeNe.
Kim is just jealous of Kenya.
Is this the first retort Team Twirl has to everything? If that is the case, it makes sense because Kenya’s comebacks leave much to desired too. I’m starting to think weak comebacks are required to be Team Twirl.
Look Kim doesn’t have to be jealous of Kenya. She has her own show, she can turn down RHOA every time they ask her to come back because she has her own show, she has a husband who adores her and a house full of kids. She’s happy. Kenya is not and that is clear by how low she’s willing to stoop to be on RHOA.
Tell me what Kenya has without naming RHOA, her looks and that old title from 20 years ago. I’ll wait.
A production company that produces straight to DVD movies.
LOL oh you’re right. But wait, let me give her props on all her straight to DVD films and one liners in major films even though she won’t give NeNe any props for having major roles on two shows on two major networks. :-/
LMAO! Y’all are going to stop coming for my fave.
I don’t like Kenya or Kim but I’d take Kim over Kenya any day of the week. Make it happen Bravo.
Well this is what Kenya is good for – lame, recycled lines. The moose thing was hot years ago. Find something new Kenya.
I’d applaud Kim but I’m not here for her either. She’s made some rather suspect comments about several of the RHOA cast members that gave me pause. Kim gave as good as she got when it came to NeNe but she was never known for her “reads.” She’s better off on her tardy for the shindig show. As for Kenya…ugh. Sheer foolishness.
All of this!
I can’t stand Kim. I hope they don’t try to bring her back.
While these tweets did make me chuckle, it’s really racist to me that Kim or Kenya would be ok calling a black woman a moose on TV. I just can’t understand why more people don’t have a problem with this.
They don’t have a problem with it because they hate NeNe that much. Common sense be damned.
I’m all for some shady tweets but Kim don’t you bring your a-s back to RHOA. Stay right where you are. Thanks.
I’m not here for Kenya or Kim. Both of them are beyond lame and drain me. I fast forward through Kenya’s scenes.
I guess Kim is going in because she’s cool with NeNe again. Chile I guess.