Fix My Life Recap: Iyanla Gets Neffe Together + Are Soullow and Neffe Still Getting a Divorce?

Shelby is dealing with publicly revealing he and his sister were molested as children.

He also reveals that he and Neffe were denied rent in a new house, so they are still homeless. He claims Neffe knew they were denied but lied about it to Iyanla. He also revealed the texts in which the landlord asks why they did not disclose the three previous evictions from other rental properties seeing as that is the reason why they were rejected.

“Y’all ain’t living the truth! Neither one of you! I mean this is a mess! It is a hot a** mess, okay?” -Iyanla

Iyanla consoles Shelby and reminds him that his issues are greater than Neffe. She tells him he has to start understanding that he matters so he will stop placing himself in toxic situations.

Iyanla feels like Neffe and Soullow don’t really know each other despite being together for ten years.

Iyanla meets with Neffe and provides therapeutic pampering.

Neffe is confronted by Iyanla about the evictions and lying about moving into a new home. Iyanla says Neffeteria is how she is due to not dealing with her past, including being abandoned by her mother, failed first marriage and loss of her oldest child. Iyanla gifts her tools to help her deal with her past and let go of baggage.

“As I told you this morning, the dysfunction has been normalized.” – Iyanla to Neffe

Iyanla forces Neffe to get real.

Neffeteria is more than 2 hours late to the meeting with Iyanla. Iyanla confronts Neffie about being late but Neffe reveals that she almost quit the session but changed her mind at the last minute.

Iyanla tells Neffe that she is starting to suspect that Neffe is just there for the publicity and check.

“I could be wrong and I hope that I am so wrong. But I get the distinct impression that you are more into the performance than into the reality.” – Iyanla to Neffe

Neffie says the previous day she was hurt and angry towards Shelby about telling Iyanla she “fistfights” him. Turns out Neffe was the one who brought up fist fighting and Shelby never brought it up. Neffe is shown a phone transcript of her pre-show interview where she says she fistfights Shelby. Neffe says she was sober during the previous day but was drinking during that pre-show interview.

After this, Neffe says she used her relationship with Shelby to block grieving from her breakup from her previous husband, while being pregnant with another man’s baby.

“You wanted a savior. You’re seven and a half months pregnant, in the middle of a divorce from one man. Pregnant by another man and you needed to be saved! You wanted a savior. You wanted to be rescued. You were the one he needed to rescue. You were the one he needed to save which is what he couldn’t do for his mother.” – Iyanla to Neffe

Neffe admits that the only thing she knows about Shelby’s mother is that she has stage four cancer. Iyanla thinks it’s disturbing that Neffe doesn’t know much about Shelby’s mother or his history.

“Well, then you need to go to the mirror and slap the first person that shows up that you are living with a man for ten years and don’t know his history.” – Iyanla to Neffe

Neffe feels offended that Shelby compared her to his mom, who was abusive towards Shelby and his sister.

Iyanla checks Neffe.

During their next meeting with Neffe and Shelby, pulls up an Instagram video Neffe posted recently, in which she shouted out her “glam squad.” Iyanla confronts Neffe about the Instagram video and asks if she wants to be there for publicity or to help her marriage.

“On your way to healing, you stopped and gave a shout out to your glam squad.” – Iyanla to Neffe

Neffe doesn’t understand how it’s a bad thing to shout out her glam squad on Instagram. Realizing she’s getting nowhere, Iyanla decides to move on.

Shelby unloads his baggage. He has a teddy bear representing his childhood. Iyanla confronts Neffe about being unwilling to share her baggage.

During a pre-show conversation, it’s revealed that Neffe shared that she was molested at the age of 9. She also wanted to confront the man who violated her and visit him in prison. However, Neffe says she is over that event. Iyana confronts her about this because she thinks Neffe is not being truthful.

Shelby lets Neffe know that he feels unappreciated and she only told him she appreciated him once.

He also tells her she reminds him of his mother.

Neffe takes offense of this.

“I can’t believe you would compare me to her.” – Neffe to Shelby

Shelby stands his ground and makes it clear that he fell in love with Neffe before the reality shows.

“I wanted to save you from the path you was going down. When we first got together you didn’t have no show. You was just Neffe. I never ever fell in love with you because you was on TV.” – Shelby to Neffe

Shelby really wants them to go back to being happy but realizes he has to work on being happy himself first.

“That’s the realest thing you ever said.” -Neffe

For some reason, Neffe’s comment sets off Iyanla.

“That’s Neffe talking right there because Neffe is a nasty b****! And what Neffe does is take out on him everything that she’s ever experienced from every man and he doesn’t deserve it.” – Iyanla to Neffe and Shelby

“What in the world just happened? What did I just say that diminished him for me to be called a b***?” – Neffe

Neffe ended the conversation, pissed that she was called out her name by Iyanla.

Iyanla says she was encouraged to act like the angry black woman for TV ratings.

“Because she and I discussed yesterday how Neffe is running her show. And Neffe is the one that diminishes and she denies you. Neffe’s been running her life and Neffe is a b****. A nasty, vile guttersnipe right up out the hood that would dare come out in the middle of a divorce get pregnant by one man and bring another one to live up in your house. Neffe did that. Not Neffeteria. I’m clear. Now what you gonna do?” – Iyanla to Shelby

Neffe later returned to the sit down after she cooled down.

“You ain’t never been called a b**** before?” -Iyanla to Neffe

Iyanla stands by her words and Neffe and Shelby proceed to have another conversation.

“We have to live in order. First God, then me, then you.” -Shelby

The two then argue about Neffe being violent towards Shelby in the past.

“That happened 10 years ago!” -Neffe

“The past is present here!” -Iyanla

“I have a problem with authority.” -Neffe

“Do you have a problem with authority or do you have a problem with being held accountable?” -Iyanla

Shelby and Neffeteria start to hear each other out.

Iyanla apologies for the manner of talking to Neffe in their previous meeting but stands by what she said. Iyanla wants the two to speak about one another’s baggage to move beyond them and improve their marriage.

Neffe brings a list.

Neffe says she gets confused when Shelby tells her to fall back. Shelby says, “fall back” refers to the drama.

Neffe asks Shelby not to smoke around her or the children. She then reveals that he uses a breathing machine. She asks him not to shut her out from his emotions. He agrees to stop smoking and be more open with her.

Shelby asks her to stop drinking. Neffe reveals she wants to stop drinking.

“Neffeteria, that alcohol you drink turns you into that person I can’t stand.” – Shelby to Neffe

“You’re both addicts.” -Iyanla

After Shelby tells Neffe that he loves the real her, and she doesn’t need the wigs, lashes and makeup to be beautiful to him, Neffe takes off her fake lashes and wig and they appear to finally hear one another out.

However, in the credits that run at the end of the show, it is revealed that Shelby and Neffe are separated and are filing for divorce four months later.

However, he took to Twitter hours ago and tweeted the following:

What are your thoughts on the episode?

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  1. Sounds like he’s not still trying to get a divorce. Honestly, it really seems like to me that Neffe doesn’t really want to change. And as long as she doesn’t, their marriage will be a mess.

  2. Shelby reminds me of a post traumatic stress victim. The heart attack was a huge wake up call and neither he nor Neffi seem to understand the magnitude of that. Neffi seems to have a monster inside of her that she has no clue of how to get rid of. I think the monster tries to break through to get out once in a while and she drinks it back down. I don’t think she’s capable of changing yet and won’t be in the near future. She’s the kind of woman who will kill somebody during a rageful blackout and wonder what happened later. Run, Shelby, run!

  3. I know this was posted in 2017 but I just watched the last episode. I am not surprised they are divorcing. Iyanla called her right…vile nasty b. No man can put up with that. He is better off. All comers should proceed with caution if they are going to get wit Neffie. I say hit it and quit it.

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