By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
On last night’s episode of “Black Ink Crew,” the gang’s trip to New Orleans got even more messy.
Sky had already decided that she didn’t like the vibes from Herb, a local artist hired to work in the new New Orleans shop.
But things escalated when the two came face to face at the shop’s pool party.
After Sky told Herb that she had no interest in telling him how she feels about him to his face, he called her fake.
Not too long after that, Sky swung on him and punched Herb in the face.
Herb quickly responded by returning the favor, knocking Sky’s wig off her head. Teddy and Cease then intervened, coming to Sky’s defense with their fists.
While many fans of the show feel Sky was out of line, she made it clear she would do it all over again.
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