Charrisse Jackson-Jordan Responds to Backlash from RHOP Fans Amid Robyn Dixon Drama

Photo Credit: Bravo

Wendy Osefo and Robyn Dixon‘s fallout has been one for the books. And if the recent episode of “Real Housewives of Potomac” is any indication, they won’t be on good terms anytime soon. Robyn is upset about Wendy shading her relationship with Juan Dixon last season. At the time Wendy was angry with Gizelle Bryant. Gizelle told Ashley Darby to ask Wendy if she got work done because of cheating rumors. Eddie Osefo had been accused of cheating. Gizelle and Ashley said they didn’t believe the rumor. But Wendy’s “changes” confused them. However, Wendy saw it all as a coordinated attack on her marriage. Regardless, Wendy didn’t believe Robyn when she said she didn’t know what had set her off.

So Wendy dragged Robyn and Gizelle by saying they didn’t have real relationships so that is why they attack everyone else’s. The jab stuck with Robyn since Wendy was jumping up with joy the evening Juan proposed.

Well, prior to Wendy’s burn session, Robyn and Wendy clashed at Ashley’s dance class. Wendy accused Robyn of not having the courage to tell Mia Thronton what she really thinks about the cancer post on social media. And she told Robyn to stand in her truth. Robyn stood up and said she was standing in her truth. And she walked towards Wendy with her hands up.

Wendy later told the others that Robyn tried to fight her. This got back to Robyn and she called her out about this at the burn session. After Wendy said that proof of Robyn’s intention to be violent is that Charrisse Jackson-Jordan held her back. Robyn FaceTimed Charrisse. And Charrise denied holding Robyn back. However, producers flashbacked to Charrisse grabbing Robyn.

To no surprise, the flashback resulted in fans calling out Robyn, Charrisse, and Gizelle on social media. All three were accused of lying.

Charrisse responded to the backlash on the Peach Report’s Instagram page. She wrote, “I was not preventing her from putting her hands on Wendy. She was not about to physically attack Wendy. As soon as she stood up my natural reaction was to stand up in an attempt to calm the situation. Wendy said stand in your truth. She stood. Wendy also to her to sit down and she did that as well.”

She continued, “Security was there. If there was a real concern they would’ve interjected. I was not ‘holding’ her back. People are going to interpret things the way they want. Lightly nudging someone to sit back down is way different than holding someone back.


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  1. I don’t think Robyn was trying to fight either. You can see she backed up on her own before Charrisse even touched her. I keep watching the clip and I’m not seeing that Robyn was trying to fight Wendy at that moment. That’s not to say that Robyn hasn’t been aggressive in the past because she has. But that’s the case for all of them. They aren’t shrinking violets. And that’s why they were all put on this show. With that being said, Charrisse clearly wants her spot back.

    1. Did you all see it when they showed it again.
      Charisse got up put her hand on Robyn.
      Charisse just out right lied. Evidently you didn’t.
      Gizelle, Robyn and Charisse( who should not even be on the show) are typical low class trying to be somebody.

    2. I agree!!!!!!

      Heck Robin barely noticed Charisse . She even told Wendy lying self okay I’m sitting down because you told me too.

      How anyone saw or listened to this scene and thought Robin was attempting to fight Wendy is more than ludicrous it’s just biased.

      They should’ve just admitted they don’t like Robin instead of telling a bold faced lie.

  2. Wendy knows that she has no fight in her just rabbit, when Robyn got up she thought she is fixing to get me.
    Robyn has been aggressive towards some of the other ladies and she is no feather weight.

  3. Robyn is a heilfer. She invite Charisse to get under Karens skin. Robin nor Gizelle have story lines so being messy is their story line. Gizelle need that Bravo check so she will continue to be messy. If Robyn let Gizelle go and focus on her business she will have a story line.

  4. Wendy knows that she had no fight but plenty of rabbit, when Robyn got up and I thought ” O crap”.
    Charisse did push Robyn back, it wasn’t forceful, but she did it and they lied saying it didn’t happen.
    Robyn has been aggressive before and will again. It is what it is.

  5. Robyn stood up cause Wendy kept saying stand on it. It was NOT to fight Wendy. So, from Robyn’s perspective, Charisse did not have to put hands on her to “prevent her from touching Wendy”. Wendy lied on Robyn & ignored the fact of her doing what Wendy said…sit down! It is interesting how folks are ignoring the most important part.

    1. Ok, so you are missing the most important part, anytime a person gets up during a exchange of hostility and walks toward that person, is taken as aggression and threatful, you never get up and walk towards anyone during a argument, it can be and will be taken as a threat and warrant the other person to react or feel they must position there selves, Charisse plan out lied , she actually is holding Robin back , yet Robin is still nothing off, Wendy was correct in her thoughts on Robin actions, and is correct saying she thought she might trying to fight,she has been aggressive several times before on previous episodes, with Ashley and Monique, so yes Robin is very aggressive and needs to stop, she’s making a pure Fool of herself, just because Production told her to step it up or else, people like that , keep doing things like that, until someone gives them there a$$

  6. Charisse mus got a jucy storyline to b that loyal lol… Intent or not… Robyn stand in ur space dont walk towards me Ijs Anyhow Robyn is a “do girl” its amazing how any person Gizaam dont mesh wit Robyn jumps on the bandwagon Ugh Robyn is an undercover bully… U can only disguise evil n bein miserable for so long till it starts comin out n different ways ie; jealousy, envy

  7. Boring!!!!!!!!! Robyn, Gizelle, Ashley, they need those Checks from Bravo💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰. Robyn or Gizelle no storyline.

  8. I was also looking at what producer showed it want nothing like what want to want be queen said. They just lied which is not a surprise to me. But thank God Robin got a story now about this crime charges. She can put that on the table. I bet she want

  9. Ummm…Linebacker Charles or Charisse(in my Karen Huger voice)…yes security was there in the form of you holding Robot Robyn back who jumped up like she wanted to pop. Sit yo butt down Robyn cause Wendy already told you don’t let them cameras fool you. Why they brought “that woman” (again in my KH voice) is a mystery to me. Other than her irritating voice and ability to lie she adds nothing to the show. And security is always there on Bravo shows, but many a fight has happened on multiple shows.

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