Safaree Samuels has been receiving backlash for his actions regarding Erica Mena.
Erica Mena and Safaree Samuels were a hot topic on social media recently. This is due to the most recent episode of “Love And Hip Hop Atlanta.” On the episode, Erica vented about their divorce process. She told Sierra Gates and Bambi that Safaree does things to hurt her. So she thought that him bringing another woman around the group so soon was just another instance of him trying to get under her skin. However, what really bothered Erica was how things were playing out in court. She alleged that Safaree complained to the judge that she makes more money than him. So he didn’t feel like it was fair for him to pay child support.
While the cast was in Las Vegas to celebrate Spice’s Grammy win, they had some emotional moments. Momma Dee and Scrappy had an explosive conversation about his childhood. He blamed his upbringing for the trauma he’s been carrying in his life. Luckily, Momma Dee was willing to listen. And she said that she loves Scrappy and Bambi enough that she does want things to get better between them.
However, things weren’t so hopeful between Safaree and Erica. After Safaree was called out for his treatment of Erica, he remained stoic. Some fans even called him out on social media for his actions.
Interestingly enough, not every LHHATL fan has empathy for Erica. Some think Safaree is her karma. Regardless, Erica responded after someone said that Safaree’s actions are Erica’s karma for her treatment of Cyn Santana.
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Umm everything that happens to us isn’t karma. 🙄
Just needed to say that.
Why does she hate Cyn so much lol?
I’m just trying to figure out how Safaree got away with paying $0.00 child support. How does that even happen in 2022? Imma need to see those court docs. Erica must be making bank to be told she isn’t getting anything! Wow!!
From my understanding she asked the judge for 100% custody for the children, so she basically waived child support by not sharing custody with him (WHY). I might be wrong but there’s a reason for the judge not ordering him to paid child support.
Safari is scum. This is the problem with black culture. Black folks so quick to be apologists to fools as them. His momma failed him and so has his environment with those who influenced such toxic abusive behaviors. Also good people have bad things happen to them just like bad people. Fooling to think we live in this just karmatic world when life if not like that. It’s disgusting to wish bad on a mom, especially who with with scum that did allot of gaslight her reality.
How come when one black dude mess up, folks want to bring in what’s wrong with the whole black culture? Keep the focus on Safaree please and not all black men. Some of us really have it together.
So nowadays you have to be ordered to pay child support? Otherwise your children get nothing from you? Am I to believe that Safaree will sit back, watch his children grow up, and not help them monetarily because a judge told him he doesn’t have to? Seriously?! This guy is a total loser or a good faker.
Cuz she not over her lol