Some “The Braxtons” fans are critical of Trina Braxton’s husband.
Trina Braxton‘s husband Von Scales was a hot topic on social media a few weeks ago. “The Braxtons” fans took issue with the couple’s exchange on Instagram Live. While Von said he was just being himself, many of Trina’s supporters thought he had been condescending to her. They didn’t care for the way he spoke to Trina. Then there were his comments about Trina’s reaction to her ex-husband, Gabriel Solis’ death. Von said he didn’t like to see Trina grieving Gabe as hard as she grieved Traci Braxton. And he couldn’t understand how she was so close to an ex.
Critics accused Von of being insensitive. In response, he said he understands that being with Trina means he’ll be in the spotlight and people will have opinions. But he’s still going to be true to himself. And it looks like he may have rubbed some fans the wrong way again with recent comments about Traci.
Trina and Von often cook a meal together and review the recent episodes of “The Braxtons.” During this Instagram Live session, Trina discussed the scene of the episode where she and the others did a photoshoot for the new show. Trina recalls the day being hard because Traci wasn’t there to bring the energy.Â
Von Scales said Traci Braxton was obnoxious.
Trina said, “Traci was definitely missing. And it was way more drab than normal because Traci’s usually telling jokes, floating around…having a good time.”
Von added, “Being obnoxious.”
Trina responded, “Obnoxious is not the right word.”
Von stood firm, “She was obnoxious around me. Around me she was obnoxious.”
The couple went on to talk about how Traci would playfully put them in a headlock. Von continued to insist Traci was obnoxious.
Some of Trina’s Instagram followers weren’t here for Von’s insistence on labeling Traci as obnoxious.
One person wrote, “@trinabraxton you are one of my faves along with the late #tracibraxton. It was very unsettling that your husband would find it ok to speak on your deceased sister that way. OBNOXIOUS?!!! ! wonder how this is helping her son Kevin Jr, to hear this man speak on his mom this way?? How was this loving? He could have kept that to himself. Some things are just NOT ok. I can see why Traci felt the way she did in life.”
Another said, “Wow, him calling Traci obnoxious was obnoxious. Oof I cannot with him.”
This is why Towanda and Trina spend so much time talking about the Kevins. It’s how they distract everyone from realizing how trash their men are.
Maybe Trina should have let Von stay a single man. He’s a bit much,and controlling. I’ve always said that a person will do to you what you allow them to do! Don’t talk over or dismiss his behavior especially when he does it when y’all are live. Get in his A- – like a tight pair of drawers!!!
Von is a jerk & I always thought so, she should have left him right here she found him. He has to many hang ups and it’s worst because the people he’s tripping on have gone on to glory. He doesn’t like her
or her family. She really shouldn’t waste much more time on him as he won’t get better. His true self
is leaking out.
I never thought he was a good match for her! I was shocked that she married him! To be honest I have always said he looks too old fir her and could pass for her DADDY! HIS PERSONALITY JUST SUCKS! He’s definitely not the one for her! And as far as Traci, she was my favorite sister! I felt her 100% of her real feelings! Von needs to go! But, just like a zebra can’t hide its stripes, well so can’t Von hide his real FEELINGS 🤔.
Trina is weak as f-ck. Ain’t no way any man is going to feel comfortable enough to call my sister obnoxious whether she’s dead or alive. I don’t play about my family. This is why Trina needs to shut the f-ck up about Kevin Sr. Trina and Towanda have dated and married worse.
Trina, RUN! Your husband definitely doesn’t understand /care for the grief you are experiencing with Traci and Gabe’s deaths. His attitude goes way beyond and against the way you were raised. As my dearly departed Mother would say, “ your siblings will always be your siblings, but your spouse will always just be a spouse that can be replaced! Sending much love from Baltimore💜
Thennkynthings he cares about is selling those medical tapes of the Braxton name. Further he showed discussed even towards her SONS! It must be about the Benjamins btw does he have any. Trina. Baby girl stop alienated your fans because of his abuse towards you because without us what really do you have? You are an intelligent and smart woman. Further. He needs to stop correcting and chastising Logan. Logan has male role models in his life and a Daddy. He is jealous of that little boy. Can someone say mental issues. I can.
The only things he care about is selling those medical tapes of the Braxton name and feeding his Herman the Monster face. Further he showed disgust even towards her SONS! It must be about the Benjamins btw does he have any? Trina. Baby girl stop alienated your fans because of his abuse towards you because without us what really do you have? You are an intelligent and smart woman. Further. He needs to stop correcting and chastising Logan. Logan has male role models in his life and a Daddy. He is jealous of that little boy. Can someone say mental issues because I can. He always tried to act so sophisticated and he eludes his sons are the bestest. Talks down to every Braxton young male coming through. Totally humiliated her eldest child. He even made nasty gestures behind Ms. E when she visited Trina’s cooking show. Watch your back Ms. E. Had that been my people Von would be heading back to hell where he came from. He is a user and infiltrating all HER Hollywood connects. Riding off the Braxton name. Despicable Vain Von. Get a backbone Tri Tri don’t let nobody take you off your chariot to play in dirt.
Trina and her sisters are great for reality TV but they suck at real life reality when it comes to relationships! None of them have had a good relationship, including Ms. E their mother. Because of their parents failed marriage and poor relationship in communication with each other, it’s no wonder the sisters don’t know what a good and respectful man looks like. As pretty as they all are the only sister that had a real relationship was Tracy and her husband Kevin Sr. He treated Tracy respectful and lovingly and it showed on camera and off. I’m so disappointed in how Trina allows this mother Von to disrespect her, her family, her sons and her friends. He tries to dominate and bully everyone, listen to how he talks to them. He’s worse with Trina, I just don’t understand why someone within her circle don’t say something, they ALL act like their scared of Von Scales! No one in hell knew who Von Scales was until he married Trina, now he’s capitalizing off her braxton name to benefit his on pockets. Damm Trina are you that hard up, that you’ll allow yourself to be disrespected in front of your fans and your friends! Why don’t your BFF Tamika Scott say something and put Von in his place for how he’s treating her friend, hell talk to Trinatell her to snap out of it. Ain’t no “penis” worth the rudeness Von is giving Trina. If the fans see how he’s treating y
Trina on air..surely Trina’s family and friends can see it. I love watching Trina’s cooking show, but I hate Von on their and I don’t believe she asked him to be on their, he’s such a narcissistic man that he forced himself on their because he can’t stand her being a celebrity and having more attention than him. We don’t know you Von and we DON’T like you or how you’re treating Trina! Go back where you and your broke unknown self came from! Trina stay away from all insecure, jealous, petty broke guys who have nothing going for themselves!