Natural hair shouldn’t equate to an expensive lifestyle. By: Amanda Anderson When a woman decides to forsake the clutches of the ever addictive relaxer, she plunges into a new lifestyle that appears to be scary and down right too expensive. As you learn about…
Simple tips to keep your makeup light and natural looking. By: Amanda Anderson Makeup has always been a girl’s best toy, as we play which a large variety of colors and products to enhance our unique features and better relay our impeccable beauty. As…
You want a Barack, but are you a Michelle (encouraging, supportive, and able to see potential in place of broke-ass-ness)? By: Amanda Anderson The election of President Barack Obama was nothing short of a historic one. As we watched the first black man nab…
Your questions, my answers. My goal is to keep you smart in your singlehood. Be warned, I won’t sugarcoat anything. It takes a bit of intelligence and wisdom to land real love…And a bit of fearlessness in a society too scared to have standards…