Judging each other is not our job, it is God’s By: Taren Vaughan “Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock, or an occasion to fall in his brother’s way.”Romans 14:13 Passing judgment…
By: Amanda Anderson Why is it when it comes to the subject of finding a church home that believers feel the need to get so defensive? These same people will continuously say that they don’t have to go to church to have a relationship…
What you should gain from your Lent experience? By: Taren Vaughan Many of us are familiar with Lent season. For those that aren’t, it is the period of time leading right up to Easter that last a total of 40 days and 40 nights.…
By: Amanda Anderson We only get one life to live. Throughout our lives, we will all search for our purpose, and many of us will mistakenly believe that our dreams alone are the sole reasons we are here. We may believe that our lives…