
Does “The One” really exist? By:Amanda Anderson As I learn more and more about relationships, I am continuously asked the same question from men and women: Do soulmates really exist? There are many ways that I could answer this question, but then I realize…

Soulmates: Truth or Fairy Tale?

Dependence on fashion trends doesn’t make you stylish. By: Amanda Anderson “For me fashion is fun, and it’s supposed to help you feel good about yourself. I think that’s what all women should focus on: what makes them happy and feel comfortable and beautiful.…

Confidence: The Greatest Fashion Accessory

Love isn’t blind, but desperation is. Fantasia, Sister, I won’t rip you to shreds because that’s not my style. However, I believe that truth is like cough medicine; bitter to taste, but good for the soul, and can heal the body deep down to…

A Letter to Fantasia