The life of a fabulous fashion stylist. Interview by Mame’ Damey Edited by Amanda Anderson For most fashionable women, to become a stylist, would be to secure a dream job. But for Airest Newsome, she’s living the dream and living a life that combines…
Why are we so fascinated with mediocre women who got lucky off sex tapes and dating rappers? By: Amanda Anderson It all began with a sex tape. The infamous (and lackluster) sex tape that made Kim Kardashian go from a nameless flunky of Paris…
Prince Charming is a myth…so let’s get past the fairy tales. By: Amanda Anderson Tall, dark, and handsome…charming, intelligent, confident and then some. You’ve got the perfect list for the perfect man. And the only way you get through those dry and dull dates…
Real love or just really good sex? Sometimes the answer isn’t clear. By: Amanda Anderson In our culture, it seems like we all have sex on our minds. We can’t get away from the sexual imagery, sexy celebrities, racy song lyrics, as well as…