Black Ink Crew
“Black Ink Crew” star Sky reconnected with her sons after they were adopted. “Black Ink Crew” star Sky rose to popularity due to her ability to be so open on the show. And while she does have a lot of supporters, she also has…
Sky has received backlash from “Black Ink Crew” fans. “Black Ink Crew” star Sky has been open about her struggles on the show. And even though this has made some of the viewers show her support, others have criticized her. In fact, her relationships…
Alex and Donna bonded over backlash. “Black Ink Crew” couple Donna and Alex have been through a lot. It was actually controversy that brought them together. After things got rocky with Donna’s boyfriend at the time, Moe, she had a freaky moment in a…
Dutchess was ready to leave “Black Ink Crew” after all the drama. “Black Ink Crew” star Dutchess had an eventful departure from the show. In fact, things got really contentious after her split from Ceaser. Most of the people at the shop sided with…